Saturday, June 28, 2014

O2Emulator / O2Solo / O2China Guide

In my previous post, I talked about how to set up and use O2Mania.

If you want to skip reading this whole post, scroll down at the end of the post to see the summarized instructions on how to use O2Emu / O2Solo/ O2China/ O2Jam Offline (or whatever you want to call it).

Before I start, you should know if you could actually play on O2Emulator / O2Solo / O2China / O2Jam Offline or whatever you want to call it. To an extent, this would also tell you if you can play on private servers.

Requirements for running O2Jam

1. OS must be at least Windows XP, or at most Windows 7.

- Yes. This means you won't be able to play at all if you are using Windows 8. Some people are probably trying to make O2Jam work on Windows 8, but some known methods are troublesome (Running another OS on top of an OS?).

2. At most, Internet Explorer 8.

- This means that if you have IE version greater than 8, you wouldn't be able to use other features of the game. O2Jam uses IE by default (and as far as I know, cannot be changed), and due incompatibility reasons, having an IE version greater than 8 is not recommended. You would have to revert back to IE8 by uninstalling the newer versions.

3. System Locale must be set to Chinese (Simplified PRC)

- Believe it or not, if you want to run O2Jam smoothly, you will have to change your system locale to Chinese. You can run O2Jam without having to do that, but this will make the whole game lag and run slow. This does not affect the gameplay so you don't have to worry, but choosing songs will be a pain when your mouse doesn't move the way you want it to.

I don't know how to change System Locale. Is there a way to run O2Jam without changing System Locale?

Luckily, there is a way to run O2Jam without changing anything! There is a handy tool called Locale Emulator. This would let you run programs under a specific locale without changing the system locale.

>>Download Link: Locale Emulator<< (Download

3.1 Using Locale Emulator

1. After downloading the file, simply extract the files to any folder, and run LEInstaller.exe. After installation, it will ask you to restart the computer. 

2. After installing, simply right click any program you want to run, and click "Run with Application Profile." A window should appear (image below)

3. Since we will be running O2Jam, copy the above settings, and press "Create Shortcut" in order to avoid doing the process all over again. A shortcut will be created on your desktop. Just run the shortcut and it should automatically start the program under Chinese (Simplified, PRC) settings.

That's great and all, but where can I download O2Jam (Offline)?

Alright! Now that those are out of the way, we can start with O2Emu, an offline version of O2Jam. Here is the download link for O2China (O2Jam Offline / O2Emu / O2Solo. I'll call it O2China from now on).

If you have an Anti-Virus, it might delete some .exe from the link, such as EMUListGen.exe or O2Emu.exe. Those two are needed, and are not a virus, so you should exclude them from your Anti-Virus.

After you have downloaded the file, extract them somewhere and open the folder. You should see a Music folder. This is where you are supposed to put your songs for O2China.

There are a lot of places where you can get songs, simply google "O2Jam Song Pack" should do you fine, but I recommend downloading packs Level 1 ~ 29 from the link below.

This is because most of the songs from Level 1 ~ 29 are the official songs, and should not be ignored. I highly recommend trying them all out when you are just starting out, instead of directly hopping on unofficial songs.

I have the songs now. What do I do next?

You will now have to generate the EMUList.dat. In the Music folder, you should see an EMUListGen.exe. This is needed to generate the EMUList.dat.

Run it and you should see this:

You should see a drop box above the OJN(S) Button on the lower right. Click it and select the first option.

After that, click the button that contains OJN(S), just below the drop box. If you have songs placed already, all the songs that you have should be displayed. If not, go add some songs first in the Music folder.

Next, click the button with the (G), and a window should appear. Navigate to the Image folder of O2China if it did not open there. Just click Save and overwrite the old EMUList.dat

I have an EMUList.dat now. What next?

After creating your EMUList.dat, go back to your O2China folder and run O2JamMusicListMaker.exe.

A window should appear that displays all the music in the EMUList.dat.

You don't have to do anything here. Just click the button on the right (underlined red in the image above), then press OK.

I'm done with the MustListMaker. What now?

After that, you can now play O2China!

In your O2China folder, run O2EmuServer.exe, and a window should appear. Click the "Run Game" to start.

Note: Before running O2EmuServer.exe, make sure to do the instructions with running it on Locale Emulator, as mentioned above in the Requirements.

After cliking Run Game, O2China should load, and a log-in screen should appear. Don't worry! Just type random letters for the Username and Password, then click (Go) or press Enter to begin!

On the next screen, you should see some planets appearing. This is the Server and Channel Selection.

Click the big red planet on the lower right, as shown on the image (Red circle), then the Channel List should appear. Simple press the button below (Purple Circle) or double click the channel.

Welcome to O2Jam!

After selecting a channel and a server, you should see a screen the same as the image above. This is the main interface of O2Jam.

Since this is an Offline version of O2Jam, you will be the only person here. The features and other buttons will be explained when I talk about a Private Server. For now, it has no use, so you should go directly with creating a room.

Press the "Create" green button to create a room, and press Enter.

This is what a Room looks like in O2Jam. You have your own Avatar displaying yourself. By Default, O2China's avatar is the mascot of O2Jam.

Before selecting music, look at the lower right of the screen, with the three ?. This is the "Stage" area. Every time you create a room, this is set to Random by default. Almost every player uses either Stage 1, 2, or 3, with the majority of them using Stage 3. Press the Right Arrow Button 3 times until you see the Stage 3 (shown in the image below).

Now that you have an optimum stage for playing, you can press the Select Music to start selecting songs.

This is the Music Selection window. Basically, the songs are displayed in the middle portion (Navigate with the left/right button below). Song info is displayed on the upper right, loading image below it, and the Settings on the lower right.

Click the desired song you want to play. After that, choose the song difficulty to play, and the scroll speed.

For reference, these are the scroll speed I use:

120bpm~130bpm: x5
131bpm~145bpm: X4.5
146bpm~175bpm: X4
176bpm~200bpm: X3.5
200bpm+ X3

For beginners, X1 should do you fine until you reach level 4 or 5, where you should at least be changing scroll speed that should be comfortable with you.

Before you start the game, I want you to look at the Skill Panel.

This is where you can put Skill Rings, which are discussed in my post about Skill Rings. These will allow you to experience a different gameplay.

On O2China, you have by default 999 pieces of all rings every time you log in. To select Skill Rings, simply click on the left / right button, and once you have chosen the desired Skill Rings to play with, hit the "Skill" Yellow button to confirm.

After choosing the song, song difficulty, and scroll speed, click OK, and start the game by pressing the "Start" Orange button on the upper right of the screen (Or by pressing F3).


That is how to use O2China (O2Jam Offline / O2Emu/ O2Solo).


If you only want to see the instructions, here is a step by step guide (although not as detailed).

O2China Instructions

1: Download song packs at and extract to Music folder.
2: Run EMUListGen.exe.
2.1: Select the first option in the listbox.
2.2: Click the button with the OJN(S).
2.3: Click the button with the (G).
2.4: Save and overwrite EMUList.dat in the Image folder.
3: Run O2JamMusicListMaker.exe
3.1: Wait for the songs to appear, and press the button on the left. Press OK.
4: Run O2EmuServer.exe
5: Click Run Game.
6: Choose the Big red planet on the lower right of the screen, then choose a channel.
7: Create room.
8: Select Music
9: Start Game.

Next, I might talk about Private O2Jam Servers, O2Jam Skill Rings, or Lunatic Rave 2 (LR2), so stay tuned!

If you want to know more, check out these guides!
What is O2Jam?:
O2Jam Gameplay Guide:
O2Jam Skill Rings:
O2Mania Guide:
O2Private Servers: -Coming Soon!-

Feel free to comment or ask any questions!


  1. Hello! Sir how can i change the notes into square because everytime i change it, nothing happens

  2. Hello! You'd need to run o2jam as admin in order to save the settings.

    1. it's working now. thx sir! but how to install x3.5 and x4.5 speed?

    2. There are patches and fix to install the 3.5 and 4.5 speed.

      I do not have a file uploaded but most private servers have their client to use 3.5 and 4.5 speed.

  3. and i have one last question: is o2jam works on MAC?

    1. Sadly, it does not. There is a program called open2jam, which is a java implementation of o2. Basically, you can run it anywhere. (Mac, linux, or whatever OS you are in as long as you have java)

      I am not really active on this blog anymore. You can check out this forum if you have some questions:
